Let's treat Health professionals.///አካሚውን እናክመው፡፡


Let's treat Health professionals.

    It's time to think about mental health. Trainings based on this are being provided everywhere. I like to say keep it up. There is a lot of evidence that this health condition is on the rise. Although it is a problem that is mainly seen in developed countries, it is also having an impact on underdeveloped countries. There should be no doubt that it will only get worse if we don't all pay attention and do our part. Let me say something.

  Stress is the reaction of our mind or our general psychological response to a bad action or an action that we don't think is good. Stress is not completely aversive. Because it has its own good side. Humans are motivated to create when they are under stress. He starts preparing himself for a new job. There are many things that make a difference. Having a heavy workload, not being able to pay our salary from month to month, poor living conditions, homelessness, and if you have a family, it will increase the stress even more. At present, we see that these and similar problems put the health professional under stress. One thing we must realize is that there is little tension. We need to understand that if we don't solve the stress caused by these problems in time and we spend every day thinking about the problems, it will turn into distress.

    Distress is also very dangerous. If the cause of the change is not beyond our control, but it appears to be, we begin to see signs of stress. Example; Loss of appetite, difficulty getting enough sleep, self-isolation, poor personal hygiene, etc. are observed. At this time, the role of a friend is high. You need to identify what is bothering him, advise him, help him not to be alone, entertain him, etc. But if it is more than that and he needs medical help, it means that he has progressed to mental illness. We call this "Mental disorder".

  Health professionals have a dual responsibility. Their personal life, their family life and the patient who trusts them. Health professionals can best fulfill these responsibilities when they are free from stress. For example, if the salary paid does not reach him from month to month, it also affects him and the patient. We cannot deny this. We have to think about what happened to our nurse sister at the Black Lion Hospital a few days ago. And so that the patient can be properly treated, we must first treat the patient. The applicant also has a question about salary, housing, administration, benefits, etc.

  Another is what we call "Trauma". If there is a physical or repeated psychological distress, we can call it Trauma. If we don't solve the causes of change or anxiety in time, they can lead to psychological damage. If a situation arises that makes us hate ourselves even more, we should doubt that we are at this stage. But if we don't treat it soon enough, we can slip into apathy and a stagnation of compassion.

   Stress can cause us to not be diligent in our workplace or "Burnout". When an expert reaches this stage, he still shows different symptoms. Example; Tired both physically and mentally. Entering into fear, losing hope, losing weight, going to work late, leaving early, etc. You can't say, "Why have you lost your previous diligence?" Because you didn't want it. The health professional is dedicated to his work in the health facility. No one can forget his sacrifice during Covid 19. It is important to answer the questions in return for his diligence. But by appointing a supervisor, calling a meeting and threatening, cutting wages, etc., he will not return.

Lack of dedication or being "Burnout" makes us "Compassion Fatigue". We can call this a reduction in the feeling of compassion, a weakening of the character of compassion. A health professional is compassionate. It's pathetic. He not only sees the sick but also sympathizes with the patient. However, when he is stressed and stressed for various reasons, these vital traits can become weak or even weakened. A medical professional who fails to be compassionate cannot treat the patient as he or she needs. This is why we say that the health care provider should be treated first. Countries that have been able to properly treat the disease have far superior medical services.

If we do not treat the medical professional properly, we cannot develop and enrich the medical institution. It doesn't matter if the medical establishment prospers, if new health systems are developed, if the health professional is oblivious. Therefore, the first treatment specialist should deal with it. We are all responsible for this.


Glory and honor to the nurses.

By Bamlaku Abebaw (Nurse)

From Jimma Medical Center

Jimma, Ethiopia

key for prosperous/የብልፅግና ቁልፍ

ስለበጎ ነገር እንነጋገር፡፡ ለኢትዮጲያ እና ኢትዮጲያውያን ለውጥ ብልፅግና በጋራ እንድከም፡፡ ስለዚህ የሚያስተምር ከልቡ ያስተምር፣ የሚመራ ከልቡ በማስተዋል ይምራ፣ ……..ወዘተ፡፡

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